книга Circle


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David Lloyd's verses are a genuine contribution to the literature of haiku. They capture an image, a moment in time, and engrave it in the memory for all time. This is the mark of good haiku, as indeed it is of good verse in general. His haiku can excite the senses, as in:See...Ещё
David Lloyd's verses are a genuine contribution to the literature of haiku. They capture an image, a moment in time, and engrave it in the memory for all time. This is the mark of good haiku, as indeed it is of good verse in general. His haiku can excite the senses, as in:See the sharp needlesforever sewing the skyTo the pine branches.Free of irony, except the irony of nature which sets the tone, calls the shots, with a not always recognizable impartiality, their perceptions are too clear for comment:Flowing downstreamBetween the mountain pines,A bird's embryo.Dogwood blossoms,Their edges turning brown,Recalling legends.Poetic magic raised to a higher power by the author's pen and ink vignettes, complementing each verse. Eye pleasing and evocative, these sketches open little doors to experience.
  • Ingram
  • 9781462912155



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