книга Her Marriage Secret

Her Marriage Secret

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Meg has fought hard for her independence, so she's stunned to find herself staring at a gorgeous stranger one day, wondering if there's more to life than a successful career. She's even more surprised to realize she's looking at her own husband!Jake Adams is determined to...Ещё
Meg has fought hard for her independence, so she's stunned to find herself staring at a gorgeous stranger one day, wondering if there's more to life than a successful career. She's even more surprised to realize she's looking at her own husband!Jake Adams is determined to reclaim his wife, and unravel the tangle of secrets that pulled them apart three years ago. The chemistry between them is still strong, and Meg can't deny the intensity of her attraction for Jake.But she's guarding her heart–and a baby secret that will change their lives forever….
  • HarperCollins
  • 9781474014953



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