Что бы мы ни делали, в чем-то мы точно своих детей разочаруем. И им это разочарование важно пережить, чтобы освободиться от идеального образа родителя.
Есть такая идея (она мне очень близка), что страдания происходят не из-за боли, не из-за отсутствия чего-то или несовершенства, а из-за того, что мы говорим себе, что этой боли (дефицита, несовершенства) быть не должно. Страдание
как говорится, «где права сила, там бессильно право
There is no such thing as ‘does not happen.’ But there is always ‘happened somewhere else
Mau opened his mouth to reply and found it choked with words. He had to wait until he could see a path through them.
And when your father comes in his big boat? What will happen to us then?” “I… don’t know,” said Daphne, which was better than telling the truth. We do tend to stick flags in places, she had to admit it herself. We do it almost absentmindedly, as though it’s a sort of chore.
They wanted an answer. It would be nice if it was the right answer, but if it couldn’t be, then any answer would do, because then we would stop being worried… and then his mind caught alight. That’s what the gods are! An answer that will do! Because there’s food to be caught and babies to be born and life to be lived and so there is no time for big, complicated, and worrying answers! Please give us a simple answer, so that we don’t have to think, because if we think, we might find answers that don’t fit the way we want the world to be.
They wanted an answer. It would be nice if it was the right answer, but if it couldn’t be, then any answer would do, because then we would stop being worried
Magic is just a way of saying “I don’t know.
You are the chief? But you are just a boy!” “Not just. Not even. Not only. Who knows?” said Mau. “The wave came. These are new days. Who knows what we are? We survived, that’s all.” He paused, and thought: And we become what we have to be