книга 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life

5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life

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  • Gardners Books
  • 9781543656121



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Obaida Hashmi Obaida Hashmi

5 декабря 2022 г.


Many high-conflict people can hide their patterns of negative behavior from someone for several months to a year, but rarely for longer. Eventually their pattern of high-conflict behavior returns and reveals itself in their interactions. (This is why I strongly advise everyone who is in a new romantic relationship to wait at least a year before marrying someone, moving in with them, or having a child with them.)

Obaida Hashmi Obaida Hashmi

3 декабря 2022 г.

crapy people

But the people we’re concerned with are the 10 percent—the one person in ten—who has a Target of Blame and a personality disorder. These are the people who are so fixated on their Targets that they can’t let go, can’t stop themselves, can’t change and therefore can ruin lives—including yours

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