книга A Gold Digger's Guide (How to get what you want, without giving it up)

A Gold Digger's Guide (How to get what you want, without giving it up)

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A Self Help book for the single, financial savvy woman. The book discusses how to dress, what to say, which environments to go to, and what subjects to study in order to attract wealthy men. The book emphasizes on how to attract prospects with your mind and not sex. A...Ещё
A Self Help book for the single, financial savvy woman. The book discusses how to dress, what to say, which environments to go to, and what subjects to study in order to attract wealthy men. The book emphasizes on how to attract prospects with your mind and not sex. A motivational book that helps women to reach their GOALs personally and financially. It's about GOAL Digging. Most importantly it introduces women to the world of investing so the money they accumulate can grow.



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