книга Audel House Wiring

Audel House Wiring

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Home wiring is serious business That's why, especially if you're not an electrician, you need the clear, well-ordered guidance in this book-the same one you may have seen in your father's toolbox. Now fully updated to cover home networking and other 21st century developments,...Ещё
Home wiring is serious business That's why, especially if you're not an electrician, you need the clear, well-ordered guidance in this book-the same one you may have seen in your father's toolbox. Now fully updated to cover home networking and other 21st century developments, this all-new edition gives you the guidelines, rules, and step-by-step instructions you need to do the job safely and with confidence. * Understand how to use the National Electrical Code (NEC) and meet its requirements * Install a safe electrical service entrance and branch circuits * Use the appropriate cables, wires, conduits, and boxes for your home's needs * Find specialized information about electric heating, mobile home wiring, and other unique applications * Learn to install wiring for cable TV, telephones, broadband Internet, home networks, and security systems * Be able to make accurate load calculations
  • John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • 9780764576928



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