Batman: Under the Hood, Vol. 1
In this originally six-issue Batman story arc, a figure from the Caped Crusader's past unexpectedly returns, forcing him to revisit the most tragic event of his crime-fighting career. The psychotic, disfigured Black Mask has seized control of Gotham City's criminal underworld, but his rule is challenged by the mysterious Red Hood, who has hijacked a crate full of 100 pounds of Kryptonite. The Kryptonite connection ensures that Superman puts in an appearance, as do Nightwing (the original Robin, Dick Grayson, now grown and fighting criminals on his own), Green Arrow, and the sorceress Zatanna. But this is essentially a Batman vehicle, as the Dark Knight gradually realizes, to his horror, whose face is under the hood (a revelation that will have more resonance for longtime readers). If Winick's portrayal of Batman lacks the panache provided by such more accomplished scripters as Jeph Loeb and Ed Brubaker, and if the art here is of similarly middling quality, at least the story has...
- 2005 г.
- 1401207561
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