книга Coordination in legal systems of the countries of Europe. Part II

Coordination in legal systems of the countries of Europe. Part II

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For the first time applied a coordination approach to the consideration of legal phenomena, thanks to which one can explore legal phenomenon from a new angle of view. The above mentioned gives opportunity in this case to improve the effectiveness of legal action. Usually the...Ещё
For the first time applied a coordination approach to the consideration of legal phenomena, thanks to which one can explore legal phenomenon from a new angle of view. The above mentioned gives opportunity in this case to improve the effectiveness of legal action. Usually the coordination rules of law are not the subject of a separate study. Such a study performed by the author on the example of the legislation of the countries of Europe, using a wide range of legal material. The research allowed to develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness of law due to the streamlining of coordination norms. Made of demarcation rules on the coordination and norms of cooperation, collaboration and other forms of interaction. Updated legal terminology. The proposed use of the coordination rules to certain legislative acts of the countries of Europe.
  • КноРус
  • 9785436525617



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