книга Doctor Strange Epic Collection: A Separate Reality

Doctor Strange Epic Collection: A Separate Reality

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A host of top-flight creators including Roy Thomas, Gene Colan, Stan Lee and Barry Windsor-Smith begin our collection of Doctor Strange at his very best! They'll take you on a trip to the dark side of the Marvel Universe and bring you before The Undying Ones, Baron Mordo, the...Ещё
A host of top-flight creators including Roy Thomas, Gene Colan, Stan Lee and Barry Windsor-Smith begin our collection of Doctor Strange at his very best! They'll take you on a trip to the dark side of the Marvel Universe and bring you before The Undying Ones, Baron Mordo, the cosmic threat of Eternity and the eldritch horror of Shuma-Gorath. Then, Steve Englehart and Frank Brunner break new boundaries of cosmic consciousness and other-dimensional adventure. Their all-time classic Sise-Neg Genesis and Silver Dagger sagas feature deliriously lush art and stories that plumb the depths of Strange's soul.
  • 9780785194446



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