книга English Together: Starter Book

English Together: Starter Book

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"English Together: Starter Book" is intended for young children taking their first steps in learning English as a foreign language. It is particularly helpful for those learners who need a gradual introduction to the English alphabet, simple words and sentences. The "Starter...Ещё
"English Together: Starter Book" is intended for young children taking their first steps in learning English as a foreign language. It is particularly helpful for those learners who need a gradual introduction to the English alphabet, simple words and sentences. The "Starter Book" offers: An exciting circus theme, to motivate and appeal to young learners; A great variety of fun activities and games; Chants and songs (recorded on cassette); Alphabet work and handwriting practice; A gradual buildup from single words to complete sentences. The "Starter Book" can be used either as a freestanding introductory book or as preparation for learners who will move on to use the English Together series (1: Holiday House, 2: Cliff Castle, 3: The Golden Globe).
  • 9780582078444



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