книга Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

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Анонимный пользователь Анонимный пользователь

18 февраля 2021 г.

He’d failed to reach what Harry was starting to realise was a shockingly high standard of being so incredibly, unbelievably rational that you actually started to get things right, as opposed to having a handy language in which to describe afterwards everything you’d just done wrong.

Анонимный пользователь Анонимный пользователь

17 февраля 2021 г.

In a moral dilemma where you lost something either way, making the choice would feel bad either way, so you could temporarily save yourself a little mental pain by refusing to decide. At the cost of not being able to plan anything in advance, and at the cost of incurring a huge bias toward inaction or waiting until too late…

Анонимный пользователь Анонимный пользователь

17 февраля 2021 г.

But remember thiss, boy, other eventss proceed without you. Hessitation iss alwayss eassy, rarely usseful

Анонимный пользователь Анонимный пользователь

14 февраля 2021 г.

admonition of E. T. Jaynes that if you were ignorant about a phenomenon, that was a fact about your own state of mind, not a fact about the phenomenon itself; that your uncertainty was a fact about you, not a fact about whatever you were uncertain about; that ignorance existed in the mind, not in reality; that a blank map did not correspond to a blank territory.

Анонимный пользователь Анонимный пользователь

14 февраля 2021 г.

Never give anyone wise advice unless you know exactly what you’re both talking about.