книга Hattie Wilkinson Meets Her Match

Hattie Wilkinson Meets Her Match

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WHEN OPPOSITES ATTRACT…! In the eyes of the ton Hattie Wilkinson is a respectable widow, content with her safe, if somewhat modest life. On the other hand Sir Christopher Foxton prides himself on being regarded as one of London’s most notorious rakes, with a particularly...Ещё
WHEN OPPOSITES ATTRACT…! In the eyes of the ton Hattie Wilkinson is a respectable widow, content with her safe, if somewhat modest life. On the other hand Sir Christopher Foxton prides himself on being regarded as one of London’s most notorious rakes, with a particularly mischievous streak!Upon their first meeting Kit threatens to shatter Hattie’s well-ordered peace – and her reputation! – if only she’ll allow herself to succumb to his playful advances. This time they’ve both finally met their match…
  • HarperCollins
  • 9781408943854



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