книга How to Teach Speaking

How to Teach Speaking

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Learning a language and being able to speak it do not go hand in hand. This book provides both structured activities to get students speaking and ideas for developing confidence in using English outside the classroom. Essentially, this book: examines the different approaches...Ещё
Learning a language and being able to speak it do not go hand in hand. This book provides both structured activities to get students speaking and ideas for developing confidence in using English outside the classroom. Essentially, this book: examines the different approaches and activities that can be used for teaching and testing speaking. covers areas of speech such as articulation, fluency and register. looks at classroom approaches such as drilling, discussions, drama, dialogues and conversation. Examines the different approaches and activities that can be used for teaching and testing speaking Covers areas of speech such as articulation, fluency and register Looks at classroom approaches such as drilling, discussions, drama, dialogues and conversation
  • 9780582853591



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