книга Jelly Roll Quilts: The Classic Collection

Jelly Roll Quilts: The Classic Collection

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A collection of 12 quilt patterns for classic quilts made using jelly rolls. Pam and Nicky bring their expertise to classic quilt designs with Jelly Roll Quilts: The Classic Collection. Learn how to make all your favourite quilts and blocks quickly and easily with this brand new...Ещё
A collection of 12 quilt patterns for classic quilts made using jelly rolls. Pam and Nicky bring their expertise to classic quilt designs with Jelly Roll Quilts: The Classic Collection. Learn how to make all your favourite quilts and blocks quickly and easily with this brand new collection of jelly roll quilt patterns. Jelly rolls are a fantastic short cut to patchwork and quilting: you can avoid (some) of the hours of cutting and preparation required for making a quilt and go straight to the fun bit – the sewing!
  • Ingram
  • 9781446379592



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