книга Keynote Advancaed WB with CD(x1)

Keynote Advancaed WB with CD(x1)

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Featuring remarkable people communicating passionately and persuasively, TED Talks provide the ELT classroom with inspiring ideas and an unparalleled source of authentic language input. Keynote invites students to explore these life-changing stories and develop a deeper...Ещё
Featuring remarkable people communicating passionately and persuasively, TED Talks provide the ELT classroom with inspiring ideas and an unparalleled source of authentic language input. Keynote invites students to explore these life-changing stories and develop a deeper understanding of our world. Underpinned by a carefully designed language syllabus, Keynote enables students to express themselves powerfully and proficiently in English - in their professional and personal lives.
  • 9781305578340



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