книга My Secret Crush (novel) / Toutou Cang Bu Zhu / Скрытая любовь

My Secret Crush (novel) / Toutou Cang Bu Zhu / Скрытая любовь

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The year she was thirteen, Sang Zhi liked a man. The man appeared cold and lazy, and spoke carelessly. He would often come over to her home, nestled in her brother’s room playing games the entire afternoon. When he occasionally sees her bringing fruits in, he would merely lift...Ещё
The year she was thirteen, Sang Zhi liked a man. The man appeared cold and lazy, and spoke carelessly. He would often come over to her home, nestled in her brother’s room playing games the entire afternoon. When he occasionally sees her bringing fruits in, he would merely lift his eyelids indifferently and smile like a villain, “Kid, what’s the matter? You blush as soon as you see Gege.” This novel narrates the story of the young Sang Zhi and Duan Jia Xu. Sang Zhi gets to know Duan Jia Xu, who is seven years older than her, through her Ge Ge. During their several interactions, Sang Zhi starts to develop a crush on Duan Jia Xu. It happens from her young age till she is an adult. After the graduation...



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