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Object Thinking (DV-Microsoft Professional)
- 0735619654
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it’s improper for an object to fail to assume responsibilities that make the need for external control unnecessary.
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what you code is dependent on how you have thought about the problem space and how you have decomposed that space into objects.
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Фраза про поганого танцютиста заграла новими барвами
A better metaphor for assembling objects to collectively perform tasks is theater
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Цікаво, чи приципи згідно з якими Епл вказує користувачам, як використовувати їх пристрої, узгоджуються з цим твердженням?
You don’t like to work for a boss who doesn’t trust you and allow you to do your job, so why should your software objects put up with similar abuse?
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Any child with a screwdriver and a hammer can take things apart. Unless another child can look at the pieces and determine how to put them together again (or even more important, see how to take a piece from one pile and use it to replace a piece missing from another pile), the first child’s decomposition was flawed.
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