книга Saved by the Viking Warrior

Saved by the Viking Warrior

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“THERE IS NO ONE. I TRAVEL ALONE. I LIVE ALONE. ALWAYS.” Battle-scarred Thrand the Destroyer has only one thing on his mind: settling old scores. But with the beautiful Lady of Lingfold as his prisoner, the unyielding warrior starts to dream of a loving wife and a home to call...Ещё
“THERE IS NO ONE. I TRAVEL ALONE. I LIVE ALONE. ALWAYS.” Battle-scarred Thrand the Destroyer has only one thing on his mind: settling old scores. But with the beautiful Lady of Lingfold as his prisoner, the unyielding warrior starts to dream of a loving wife and a home to call his own. Cwen is also seeking justice, but she knows the fragile alliance she’s built with Thrand will only last as long as they share a common enemy. Unless they can find a way to leave revenge to the gods to forge a new life together.
  • HarperCollins
  • 9781472044198



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