![Книга Stranger in a Strange Land на ReadRate.com книга Stranger in a Strange Land](/img/pictures/book/484/484489/484489/w240h400-6b08ee5d.jpg)
Stranger in a Strange Land
Here is Heinlein's masterpiece - the brilliant spectacular and incredibly popular novel that grew from a cult favorite to a bestseller to a classic in a few short years. It is the story of Valentine Michael Smith, the man from Mars who taught humankind grokking and water-sharing. And love. Формат издания: 10,5 см х 17,5 см.
- 2003 г.
- 9780441790340
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A desire not to butt into other people’s business is at least eighty percent of all human wisdom… and the other twenty percent isn’t very important.”
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“Why does a moth fly toward a light? The drive for power is even less logical than the sex urge… and stronger.
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All men, gods, and planets in this story are imaginary.
Any coincidence of names is regretted.
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