The Happy Prince and Other Stories
“The Happy Prince and Other Stories” is a collection of whimsical, fantastical, and deeply moral tales by Oscar Wilde, the renowned nineteenth century Irish poet and playwright. Though best known for his plays and the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, Wilde was an accomplished and talented author of children’s stories and fairy tales. This collection includes many of his most enduring short stories: the sad and beautiful “The Happy Prince”, where a lonely swallow, left behind by his flock, shows the magical statue of a privileged and wealthy Prince the harsh reality of life for the poor; “The Selfish Giant”, a touching tale of a giant who realizes the importance of love and kindness when he finally allows children to play in his garden, which had turned cold and lonely when the giant closed it off to them; and “The Remarkable Rocket”, the tale of an arrogant and disdainful, but forgotten, firework who alienates everyone and finally explodes with no one there to appreciate him. Those tales along with six other stories are included in this collection. Readers of all ages will be inspired by these beautiful and magical tales which teach the value of kindness and charity. This edition includes a biographical afterword.
- Ingram
- 2005 г.
- 9780141327792
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