книга The Marriage Manual

The Marriage Manual

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God wants marriages to succeed. He established marriage and shares in His book the Bible the foundation to marriage to keep it strong and maturing in His love. Discover God's key truths about marriage to build upon this solid foundation. Do you know what the ideal of marriage is...Ещё
God wants marriages to succeed. He established marriage and shares in His book the Bible the foundation to marriage to keep it strong and maturing in His love. Discover God's key truths about marriage to build upon this solid foundation. Do you know what the ideal of marriage is as God intended? Do you know how wives and husbands work together in marriages toward that ideal? Do you know where to find the strength for marriage that will endure? This book is a marriage manual to guide you to healthy marriage. It is ideal for those preparing for marriage as well as a help to those who desire their marriages to heal and prosper. Michael Clark for over 30 years has helped thousands of people serving as a pastor in 4 different churches and communities to find joyful, meaningful and healthy life in Christ. Currently, he serves as Senior Pastor at Church of the Valley in Apple Valley, CA.
  • 9781607461487



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