книга The Night Agent

The Night Agent

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FBI Agent Peter Sutherland waits in the White House Situation Room. He monitors an emergency line for calls that might never come. Then the phone rings.

A terrified young woman says two people have been murdered and the killer might still be in the house with her. One of the...Ещё
FBI Agent Peter Sutherland waits in the White House Situation Room. He monitors an emergency line for calls that might never come. Then the phone rings.

A terrified young woman says two people have been murdered and the killer might still be in the house with her. One of the victims gave her this phone number with urgent instructions: 'Tell them OSPREY was right. It's happening.'

The call thrusts Peter into the heart of a conspiracy years in the making. There's a Russian mole in the U.S. government and Peter must uncover who it is. The nation's at stake and innocent lives are in his hands.
  • 9781800243439



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