книга The Watter's Mou

The Watter's Mou

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Bram Stoker (1847-1912) was an Irish novelist, best known today for his universally famous gothic novel "Dracula," the main villain of which is still one of the most popular antagonists in the modern media. "The Watter's Mou'" is Bram Stoker's third novel. It is an adventure...Ещё
Bram Stoker (1847-1912) was an Irish novelist, best known today for his universally famous gothic novel "Dracula," the main villain of which is still one of the most popular antagonists in the modern media. "The Watter's Mou'" is Bram Stoker's third novel. It is an adventure romance about Maggie MacWhirter and her lover, young coast guard officer William Barrow who is bound by duty to stop his girlfriend's father and other local fishers from smuggling. Torn between her love for the coastguard officer and her love for her father, Maggie plans a dangerous mission to try to keep them both safe.
  • 16+
  • 9785521075188



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