книга We Are Zombies

We Are Zombies

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Los Angeles, 2060s. In a world where humans have to coexist alongside the living dead, a new work opportunity arises: zombie pest control.

Karl, his sister Maggie, and their Belgian friend Freddy Merckx, embrace this “career choice” in the hope of making some easy money. Not to...Ещё
Los Angeles, 2060s. In a world where humans have to coexist alongside the living dead, a new work opportunity arises: zombie pest control.

Karl, his sister Maggie, and their Belgian friend Freddy Merckx, embrace this “career choice” in the hope of making some easy money. Not to mention enjoying the perks of the job, whether it’s bashing zombies or...er...sleeping with them. Unfortunately for our trio, the job isn’t that simple: not only are the dead still walking, but they stink, have a terrible sense of humor, and some very ambitious plans for world domination.
  • 9781643379586



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