книга Winter Promise

Winter Promise

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With all her signature warmth, wonderful characters and unforgettable drama, start this brand new chapter in the storytelling of Rosie Goodwin, Britain's best-loved saga author. 1850. When Opal Sharp finds herself and her younger siblings suddenly orphaned and destitute, she...Ещё
With all her signature warmth, wonderful characters and unforgettable drama, start this brand new chapter in the storytelling of Rosie Goodwin, Britain's best-loved saga author. 1850. When Opal Sharp finds herself and her younger siblings suddenly orphaned and destitute, she thinks things can get no worse. But soon three of them - including Opal - are struck down with the illness that took their father, and her brother Charlie is forced to make an impossible decision. Unable to afford a doctor, he knows the younger children will not survive. So, unbeknownst to Opal, Charlie takes their younger siblings to the workhouse. When she finds out, Opal is heartbroken. Charlie starts taking risks to try to support what's left of the Sharp family and earn Opal's forgiveness, but he takes it too far and finds himself in trouble with the law. Soon, he is sent on a convict ship to Australia. As poor Opal is forced to say goodbye to the final member of her family, she makes a promise to reunite them all one day. Will she ever see her family again?
  • 9781838772215



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