книга Zapiski ob Anne Akhmatovoy. Tom 2

Zapiski ob Anne Akhmatovoy. Tom 2

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Lidiya Chukovskaya book about Anna Akhmatova - not the memories. This is - a diary, records for itself by living next event. In the records were evident signs of Akhmatova's life, her circle of friends, the features of her personality, the nature of its literary interests. As...Ещё
Lidiya Chukovskaya book about Anna Akhmatova - not the memories. This is - a diary, records for itself by living next event. In the records were evident signs of Akhmatova's life, her circle of friends, the features of her personality, the nature of its literary interests. As the "Applications" printed 'Tashkent Notebook' by Lidiya Chukovskaya - authentic, detailed diary of Akhmatova's life in evacuation in Tashkent in 1941 - 1942 years.
  • 9785969109278



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